Support Resources Hub




Access to Support Resources for NHS staff

It’s important to ensure our health and social care colleagues are looking after themselves and get timely support should they need it, this in turn can help to support better patient care. This page is here to provide you with advice and information on the range of support offers that are available and help you to identify what option is the right one for you to access. 

We have a range of support resources in place for our NHS colleagues which suit a range of different Addiction, Health Condition and Wellbeing needs. Scroll through the sections below to find the support options that are available to you.

Support for Addiction

Doctors and dentists who develop addictions face a unique set of challenges when it comes to presenting with their addiction and overcoming it. Healthcare professionals face difficulty in knowing who to turn to and often have limited access to confidential and supportive care. Many professionals experience negative attitudes from colleagues in relation to addiction and therefore feel ashamed and are more likely to cover up their difficulties. This leads to isolation, contributing to later presentation. Doctors and dentists with addictions often feel they have no one to relate to – they may not identify as an addict until well into a process of recovery. However, once on a treatment pathway, addicted doctors have very good outcomes in comparison with non-medical addicted patients.

See our Addiction page

Support with your Mental Health & stress

Many doctors are currently settling into new roles and placements, some fresh from medical school and many facing new organisations, specialties, and colleagues.

Typically, it seems to take around six weeks before signs of stress start to show and people realise they may not be coping with the new and different demands they face.  As a result, some may experience stress and anxiety, and perhaps the first signs of burnout.

See our Mental Health page

Support for your Wellbeing

For support and online resources for your wellbeing and mindfullness, please visit our Wellbeing Support page which contains online resources to access apps to download along with other advice and help that is available.

See our Wellbeing Support page

Support for health conditions & Legal support

Doctors can be referred or self-refer to the General Medical Council if their health is impacting their fitness to practise. Practitioner Health can provide doctors with support around self-referral to the GMC where appropriate.

Please also see our Support for Health Conditions page which contains online resources and links to information for support with health conditions and legal situations.

See our Support for Health Conditions page