



Alcohol misuse

The management of substance misuse and other addiction problems will be according to current good practice guidelines, aiming for complete abstinence. We are able to offer medication assisted detoxification where this is necessary.

We can also offer on-going case management, help around relapse prevention and access to specialist cognitive behaviour therapy.

A glass of beer


Substance misuse

Doctors and dentists who have an opiate or other addiction can, if needed, be offered pharmacologically supported detoxification.

The detoxification process can either be carried out in the community or during an inpatient stay with one of our PH preferred providers. We can even in some circumstances offer you a home – detoxification alongside supervised support at Riverside Medical Centre.

Following detoxification you will be encouraged to rapidly engage with the British Sick Doctors and Dentists or equivalent abstinence oriented support group as well as attend PH for regular reviews and/or cognitive behaviour therapy.


Other Addictions

In addition to patients presenting with alcohol or drug addictions (legal or illegal), there a number of patients who have behavioural addictions such as internet pornography and gambling, gaming or spending too much time on their phone/ the internet. If you feel that any of your behaviours may constitute an addiction, please do not hesitate to contact Practitioner Health and get in touch with us.

Doctors and dentists who develop addictions face a unique set of challenges when it comes to presenting with their addiction and overcoming it. Healthcare professionals face difficulty in knowing who to turn to and often have limited access to confidential and supportive care. Many professionals experience negative attitudes from colleagues in relation to addiction and therefore feel ashamed and are more likely to cover up their difficulties. This leads to isolation, contributing to later presentation. Doctors and dentists with addictions often feel they have no one to relate to – they may not identify as an addict until well into a process of recovery. However, once on a treatment pathway, addicted doctors have very good outcomes in comparison with non-medical addicted patients.

Low mood and suicidality is closely related to addiction behaviours, therefore meaning that patients may not be able to begin to receive treatment for depression until they address their addiction.


Addiction Services

Service Details Website
Action on Addiction Rehabilitation for alcohol and drug misusers, offering six week residential care plus aftercare programmes. Visit Action on Addiction
Beat Beat is a national charity providing information, help and support for people affected by eating disorders and, in particular, anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Visit Beat
Nacoa The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (Nacoa) is a registered charity founded to address the needs of children growing up in families where one or both parents suffer from alcoholism or a similar addictive problem. Visit Nacoa
The Dentists' Health Support Programme The Dentists' Health Support Programme (formerly the Sick Dentists Trust) is a 24 hour confidential help-line for dentists with addiction problems. The Dentists' Health Support Trust  
Sick Doctors Trust Provision of early intervention and treatment for doctors suffering from addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Sick Doctors Trust
Release Release offers a range of specialist services to professionals and the public concerning drugs and the law. It provides advice to drug users, their families, friends, and statutory and voluntary agencies. Advice is free, professional, non-judgmental. Visit Release
Narcotics Anonymous NA is a non-profit, international, community based organisation for recovering addicts that’s active in over 60 countries. NA members learn from one another how to live drug free and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives. Narcotics Anonymous
British Doctors and Dentists Group The BDDG is a service for recovering alcoholic and drug dependent doctors and dentists, and students. British Doctors and Dentists Group
Medical Council on Alcohol The MCA is an organisation of registered medical practitioners with a view to understanding of alcoholism and its prevention and the treatment and after-care of alcoholics. Medical Council on Alcohol
GamCare GamCare provides support, information and advice to anyone suffering through a gambling problem. GamCare
Gamblers Anonymous Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have joined together to do something about their own gambling problem and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same. Gamblers Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcohol Concern Alcohol Concern acts as the national umbrella body for 500 local agencies tackling alcohol-related harm and offering help to the families and friends of those with alcohol-related problems. Alcohol Concern
Drug Addicts Anonymous DAA is a fellowship of men and women who have recovered from drug addiction by following the Twelve Steps – a tried and tested programme of practical spiritual action. Our fellowship attracts drug addicts from many walks of life, who between them used many different drugs, both legal and illegal. Drug Addicts Anonymous
Soberistas Online community supporting those attempting to remain abstinent from alcohol. Soberistas