



Currently, around 10% of patients registered with NHS Practitioner Health self-identify as "disabled" with a 50:50 split between mental and physical disability.

Complex, specialist, situations do arise in relation to NHS Practitioner Health patients in relation to disability frequently, even if the presentation had not been originally framed fundamentally as one of disability. It is important for NHS Practitioner Health to continue to manage interfaces and expectations around physical disabilities where these impact on mental health or addiction issues.

Disability icons

The BMA have identified crucial issues needing to be addressed for the disabled doctor workforce, and are working closely with the GMC, HEE and the Royal Colleges to effect change. Read this report from the BMA and a blog response from Dr Shibley Rahman. Many of the themes identified in such undertakings are addressed by our new range of publications.

As part of a much broader strategy to raise the profile of disability and practitioner health, NHS Practitioner Health is now publishing nine detailed factsheets devoted to health and wellbeing of disabled doctors.

These factsheets include a discussion of the relevance of disability to promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity within the workforce, and the legal obligations in training and education. You can also read a summary version of each factsheet to help identify the topics covered.

We look forward to your feedback and/or suggestions for improvement.


Disabled Doctors Network

The Disabled Doctors Network and website is aimed at chronically ill/disabled doctors, medical students, their colleagues, educators, trainers and anyone else requiring information or support regarding inclusion in the medical professions as a person with a chronic illness or disability.

Visit the Disabled Doctors Network website