Having returned from visiting my daughter this weekend I felt it was appropriate to write and thank you and all the team who referred her to Cloud's House.
The change, for the better, and the difference to our lives has been dramatic. When we visit we now see a happy, more confident and much more relaxed person who now has control of her actions and feels positive about herself and her future. This is turn has made us all feel much happier and less stressed.
My family and I have spent a long time trying to help her when we felt she was stressed and reaching for a drink to relax herself in the evenings. Although we tried in every way to help I now recognise that we didn't have a clue what to do and we didn't know the signs of an addict to look out for such as isolating themselves, anger, telling lies etc.
I am grateful that you recognised the severity of the situation and the fact that you telephoned me to discuss the situation opened my eyes to how seriously my daughter needed help.
It would be fair to say that she was very angry about the referral as she felt she hadn't been offered any other options and she had been backed into a corner. I admit that I felt a little puzzled to begin with too as I didn't understand the severity of her addiction. I now realise that she was feeling out of control and very frightened, firstly about what was happening and secondly about leaving her family for 6 weeks. Your telephone call gave me the determination to call and find out about Cloud's House and I was able to make an appointment and arrange to visit with her and another one of my children. As soon as I visited I realised this was where she needed to be and the rest is history.
I cannot recommend Cloud's House enough and without your referral she would never have been fortunate enough to attend this addiction clinic. They have been brilliant and I am also so impressed with all the family support they offer too. When you have a family member who is an addict you can feel very isolated as it's not really a topic you like to discuss as it is so stressful (and to be honest I really thought it must be my own fault in some way). Visiting every weekend has meant we have met other family members who are in the same situation and it has been very helpful and therapeutic for us all. I now understand the disease of alcoholism a lot more. We have also been involved in family counselling sessions with her as we all want to be armed with as much support and skills as we can have so we can support her in every way when she returns home. Before having these sessions there were lots of things that I was apprehensive about but the sessions have helped us all to be honest, raise any concerns and have a clear picture of the support she wants from us. We are all very proud of her as she is a very different person who knows she needs to take responsibility for her own actions and future plans but she also acknowledges there may be challenges along the way and she has been clear about how we can help.
At Cloud's they also offer lots of follow up support for her so she is planning on continuing with their aftercare support and visiting every Wednesday for the next three months. They have also told us that there is support for us as a family if we ever have any questions or need any advice too. This again helps to reassure us how seriously she is taking responsibility for her future and the support that is there for her.
Finally, I would like to offer my assistance if you feel there is ever another parent in the same situation as I have found myself. It can be a very scary, helpless and frustrating situation when one of your children is an addict. Just having another person who understands how you feel can sometimes help. Please feel free to contact me if I can ever be of assistance.