Patient Participation Group - Terms of Reference




1. Purpose

The Practitioner Health Patient Participation Group is the forum in which practitioner patient participants will meet to discuss, reflect and advise on mental health, addiction treatment, psycho-educational support and wellbeing services for health professionals delivered through NHS Practitioner Health.

Its aim is to bring together practitioner patients with experience of receiving treatment and support to provide a voice in development of NHS Practitioner Health services.


2. Aims of the group

  • To act as a functioning Patient Participation Group to support NHS Practitioner Health develop services with a patient focus.
  • To provide insight and feedback on the delivery of services to practitioner patients.
  • To enable a practitioner patient (current and previous) forum to discuss issues, comment on papers and research.
  • To develop and provide additional support resources for patients.
  • To provide a route to represent the patient voice at relevant events, conferences and courses about the work of the PPG and the issues around practitioner health, providing insight from a practitioner patient perspective.

3. Membership

The membership will consist of:

  • Rotating Chair – Practitioner Health or Patient representative
  • Secretariat
  • Patients/users of NHS Practitioner Health – patients/users will be current or recent (discharged in a period of up to 2 years) past patients of the service.
  • NHS Practitioner Health representative(s)

4. Frequency of meetings

The Patient Participation Group will meet monthly for 90 minutes. The group will usually meet from 6pm on the third Thursday of the month but this can be changed to adapt to members needs.


5. Skills, attributes and responsibilities of members

Patient representatives will:

  • Be a current or recent patient of NHS Practitioner Health
  • Be a visible, engaged and active member of the group.
  • Have sufficient time, experience and the right skills to contribute to the responsibilities of the group.
  • Use their expertise and experience to participate in the Patient Participation Group and advise NHS Practitioner Health.