



As an organisation, we are committed to safeguarding vulnerable people of any age and ensuring that the principles and duties of safeguarding are applied.

We are proud of the work we do and aim for a compassionate and collaborative approach.

Practitioner Health will support you and listen to your story without judgment to understand the issues you are facing. As a patient of our service, if we believe that you or those around you (especially children and vulnerable adults) are at potential risk we will always explore these issues sensitively and collaboratively.

If we do identify any safeguarding concerns during the patient journey, then we will carefully consider and balance the principles and duties of safeguarding and work supportively alongside you wherever possible. Practitioner Health has over 15 years of experience managing this complex interface.

On rare occasions, we may need to seek advice externally about more complex issues and we will discuss this with you. We understand the importance of confidentiality to our patients and will take appropriate measures to maintain this when we can. 

More specific information on confidentiality within our service


Domestic abuse

Health and care professionals can experience domestic abuse finding themselves in difficult circumstances including relationships which are abusive and challenging and often impact the whole family.

Domestic abuse can take many forms including emotional abuse, physical assault, harassment or controlling and coercive behaviour. It should be noted that harassment, controlling behaviour, and abuse do not necessarily have to lead to physical violence for the Authorities to act. The impact on the wider family members should not be underestimated and cannot be minimised.

Definition of Domestic Abuse

As regulated professionals, it is understandable to have concerns about how to seek help about abusive relationships and this can create uncertainty about how issues are disclosed and managed. We will work sensitively with you to explore the situation and gain an understanding of the associated risks to all involved. This will help determine those circumstances where domestic abuse is alleged or identified as taking place and when authorities should be notified.


Information for Survivors of domestic abuse

Health and care professionals experience domestic abuse. You are not alone. Survivors of domestic abuse who work as health and care professionals, often feel unable to talk about the abuse openly.

Often the nature of the job can make health and care professionals more vulnerable to persistent domestic abuse and less aware of the situation they find themselves in. Routinely dealing with difficult and demanding colleagues and patients can normalise the poor treatment that they experience at home, causing them to persist with relationships even after they have become abusive.

Disclosure can be particularly difficult when the abusive partner is also a health or care professional, which can deter the survivor from reporting the abuse for fear they may not be believed due to their partner’s status or running the risk of a counter-complaint against themselves. We will support you and your family. You will be heard.

We may need to signpost you to specialist services for expert insight.

Information for perpetrators (alleged and actual) of domestic abuse

Life can be complex and challenging. Health and care professionals can be perpetrators of domestic abuse for many reasons. Police and regulators may receive complaints regarding those alleged or identified as perpetrators. This may be following involvement from external agencies such as the police and alongside criminal investigation. We can support you through this process.

Individuals can be understandably anxious about the implications this may have on a career within healthcare. The regulator may need reassurance that a clinician remains fit to practice. Every situation can be different. We aim to respect your needs and offer compassionate and understanding support.

Further information on our Memorandums of Understanding with health and care regulators

Practitioner health will endeavour to support preparators of domestic abuse to access services to help understand and address their challenges.



There are a number of supportive organisations for both victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse.