Accessing The Service



  • Psychoeducation Services for Trainees in London and South East

Trainee Doctor and Dentist's Support Service (TDDSS)

The Trainee Doctors & Dentist Support Service (TDDSS) is a psychoeducation and support service which aims to offer a range of interventions to support trainees on programmes managed by HEE Local  offices in London & the South East.

The service is delivered as part of the PH+ programme of work, hosted by the NHS Practitioner Health Service. TDDSS is not commissioned to provide care to doctors or dentists who are unwell or suffering from current mental health concerns. If you are unwell then you will need to contact your GP or work place occupational health, or where eligible you may also access the NHS Practitioner Health Service.

Our team are experienced in supporting doctors and dentists at all stages of their training, understand the environment in which you work and are able to assess and design a support programme to meet your  individual needs.

The service is confidential and information relating to your individual situation will not be shared with HEE.


A team of medical students


For doctors and dentist in England who are training in the following deaneries:

  • Health Education North West London
  • Health Education South London (South Thames Foundation School)
  • Health Education North Central and East London
  • Kent, Surrey and Sussex Dentists in training only (Doctors can access support via KSS Performance Support Unit
  • Students who are in medical or dental school are not eligible, only those in training grades, but medical students can see help via the BMA

How to access the service

If you are eligible, complete our online form to register with the service.

Registration and wellbeing assessment forms

Following completion of your registration, you will either be called by one of our clinicians to discuss your referral or you will be invited to book in for an initial assessment with a lead clinician, which will last up to 90 minutes. We aim to contact you within 5 working days of registration.

Please be aware that our clinicians and therapists are unable to consult with patients who are abroad. 

In the interim period, you may wish to consider contacting your GP for support and advice. We are also working collaboratively with staff mental health hubs across the country who can be accessed free of charge. These hubs are able to refer directly into Practitioner Health following their assessment if needed.

Find your local hub

If you have any difficulties accessing or completing the forms, or would prefer to speak to someone in the service please call us on 0300 0303 300. (Monday - Friday 8am-8pm, Sat 8-2pm).

Consultation appointments and therapy sessions will take place using video technology via our booking platform. Occasionally, following assessment, a clinician may feel that a face to face appointment is required and we will liaise to ensure this can happen.


Support in an emergency or crisis

The WSS is not a crisis service. If you are in crisis or feel unsafe or at risk to yourself or others, then you should contact 111 or 999, your own GP or attend your nearest Emergency Department as soon as possible.

NHS PH does provide a 24/7 crisis text service and you can access this by texting "NHSPH" to 85258.

The Samaritans can also provide confidential support and are open 24 hours a day.

Tel: 0161 236 8000 (local call charges apply) or 116 123 (free to call).