
When things don't work out well




Discrimination against people with disabilities remains one of the greatest human rights issues of our time.

A recent review of international and European Union legal sources on the prohibition of disability discrimination has revealed that an overwhelming advancement in the field has been made through the adoption or amendments of relevant international and European legal instruments on human rights and non-discrimination, as well as through a developing case law and academic scholarship related to these instruments.

Talking to someone

Finding out the exact number of physicians who identify as "disabled" might be an essential first step for proactively confronting disability-related barriers affecting patients, but might lead to substantial challenges.

As we know, the reluctance to disclose disability as a doctor means that accurate data on the prevalence of disability amongst doctors is difficult, if not impossible to obtain.

Direct discrimination (section 13 Equality Act [2010]) is when you are treated worse than another person or other people because:

  • You have a protected characteristic
  • Someone thinks you have that “protected characteristic” (known as discrimination by perception)
  • You are connected to someone with that “protected characteristic” (known as discrimination by association).

Your circumstances must be similar enough to the circumstances of the person being treated better for a valid comparison to be made.


To find out more, contact us to obtain our full disability factsheets.