Research at NHS Practitioner Health




Research Consortium

Research is important to our service to help us to understand which treatments work better for patients, develop new ways of delivering our service and to demonstrate the outcomes and impact we are having when we provide care. We have a unique dataset which we have used to undertake NHS Ethics approved research projects into NHS PH outcomes and specifically outcomes for addicted doctors (see Publications).

We also support projects led by our research partners in the PH research consortium which is a loose network of UK researchers in the field of practitioner health (see below), and with the European provider network to help understand how practitioner health services can improve the mental health and wellbeing of the workforce.

image depicting researchers

We are currently involved in a major research project in collaboration with the University of Westminster using quantitative and qualitative methodologies to investigate 1 year outcomes and pathways to recovery for doctors at Practitioner Health. These 2 studies are at the stage of being written up for publication following 2 pilots (see Publications). We also have a study in progress looking at predictors of burnout in PH doctors.

If you are looking to NHS PH to collaborate in a research project please read our research guidelines.


European PHS network

The European practitioner health provider network is a forum in which provider services can discuss, reflect and advise on mental health and addiction treatment, the impact of physical health and/or personal circumstances on mental health, psycho-educational support and preventative services for doctors and other health professionals. We aim to support existing and developing providers of services, share ideas and carry out joint projects.